For more than 25 years, IAT has provided first class services to your development projects through their knowledge, experience and visions. Their highest target is a frank and fair manner of cooperation. IAT’s software product line includes but is not limited to: Evaluation PC/NCAP, ISOVerter (Plus), CrashView, PicToMME, and EVAluation Calib.

EVAluation PC/NCAP

Software for analysis and visualization of results from safety tests with automatic calculation of standard criteria and comparison graphs.

Spec Sheet
ISOVerter (Plus)

Software for preparing and converting data for ISO 13499 / ISO MME. Secure and quick preparation for data exchange using templates with user defined checks and macros.

Spec Sheet

Software for comparing video, photo and/or time measurement data in sync where multiple window views can be exported as a complete video.

Spec Sheet

A software solution for efficient creation of photo documentation in safety tests. Target pictures, processing lists, naming standards, and drag & drop simplify the storing process.

Spec Sheet

Software for ISO MME conforming data storage for high speed video recordings utilizing project templates and automatic format conversion to ensure the quality of the data storage/delivery.

Spec Sheet
LCW View

Software for visualization, analysis and monitoring of measurements on a load cell wall with flexible adaption to different load cell designs and channel identifiers.

Spec Sheet
EVAluation Calib

Software for evaluation of ATD certification tests with simple report generation and semi- automatic selection and application; including analysis for all dummy types currently available.

Spec Sheet